















XC: Millbrook Invitational

Posted On: Thursday, October 16, 2008
XC: Millbrook Invitational

Photos and Video by Alysia Deem
LoudounPrepSports.com Multimedia Manager

Winchester (Oct. 15, 2008) – Three Loudoun cross country teams got a last chance to tune up Wednesday before next week’s district meets with Briar Woods, Heritage and Loudoun Valley at the Millbrook Cross Country Invitational which was swept by the Clarke County boys and girls.

Heritage placed fourth in both races with Briar Woods fifth in the boys and sixth in the girls. Region II competitors Millbrook and Warren County logged top three finishes in both races.

In the girls race Alexa Kniley of Briar Woods finished sixth with a 20:19.27. Grace Corapi (20:56.02) and Lauren Stephens (20:58.55) both broke 21 minutes to place 11th and 13th.

In the boys race the top local finishers all placed in a group with Billy Calhoun of BW 12th at 17:35.94, Steven Giles of Heritage 13th at 17:38.90, and then Connor Pompilio and Zach Deaton of BW were 15th-16th at 1:40.63 and 17:41.04.

Licensed to Millbrook High School     Hy-Tek’s Meet Manager 10/15/2008 08:07 PM
                  2008 Milbrook CC Invitational – 10/15/2008                  

Girls 5k Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Smith, Mara                  Warren County         19:34.68     1 
  2 Nelson, Crystal              Millbrook             19:39.38     2 
  3 Ayers, Katlyn                Strasburg             19:45.68 
  4 Broy, Erin                   Clarke County         19:57.88     3 
  5 Parkes, Sullivan             Millbrook             20:19.26     4 
  6 Kniley, Alexa                Briar Woods           20:19.27     5 
  7 Kuehm, Allie                 Clarke County         20:20.55     6 
  8 McKelway, Maddie             Clarke County         20:29.42     7 
  9 Sayre, Bernie                Warren County         20:42.10     8 
10 Frye, Roni                   James Wood            20:47.33     9 
11 Corapi, Grace                Heritage              20:56.02    10 
12 Hatcher, Tiffany             Warren County         20:58.23    11 
13 Stephens, Lauren             Heritage              20:58.55    12 
14 Gardner, Erin                James Wood            21:06.77    13 
15 Eisenman, Leanna             Warren County         21:19.48    14 
16 Neuber, Tori                 Clarke County         21:19.83    15 
17 Taylor, Amy                  Heritage              21:20.46    16 
18 Dennis, Whitney              James Wood            21:32.61    17 
19 Wymer, Olivia                James Wood            21:38.15    18 
20 Knechtel, Karly              Millbrook             21:42.70    19 
21 Miller, Jocelyn              Millbrook             21:51.01    20 
22 Spangler, Shelby             Warriors              22:18.42    21 
23 Hancock, Samantha            Strasburg             22:19.19 
24 Wiltrout, Sami               Clarke County         22:23.71    22 
25 Andrew, Sarah                Heritage              22:31.39    23 
26 Horner, Madi                 Briar Woods           22:31.82    24 
27 Julian, Sarah                Millbrook             22:32.05    25 
28 Marchessault, Danielle       Warriors              22:35.33    26 
29 Foulke, Grace                Heritage              22:36.95    27 
30 Lee, Kelly                   Clarke County         22:42.21    28 
31 Peterson, Stephanie          Briar Woods           22:42.67    29 
32 Sergeant, Sarah              Skyline               22:44.56    30 
33 Potts, Amanda                Warren County         22:52.42    31 
34 Gorick, Katie                Briar Woods           22:55.09    32 
35 Baldwin, Debbie              James Wood            22:57.23    33 
36 York, Rebecca                Clarke County         23:02.84    34 
37 Apodaca, Analyse             Briar Woods           23:03.13    35 
38 Krossman, Brooke             James Wood            23:13.75    36 
39 Tripp, Rachel                Warriors              23:14.10    37 
40 Maddox, Susan                Skyline               23:17.82    38 
41 Crawford, Caitlin            Millbrook             23:18.70    39 
42 Ronk, Jackie                 Briar Woods           23:21.53    40 
43 Heaton, Clara                Skyline               23:27.14    41 
44 Stubbs, Sarah                Warriors              23:31.85    42 
45 Jackson, Jenny               Heritage              23:34.15    43 
46 Grigsby, Judy                Skyline               23:37.59    44 
47 Smith, Kellie                Briar Woods           23:47.12    45 
48 Carrigan, Jillian            Heritage              23:49.63    46 
49 Schunemann, Lena             Warren County         23:50.20    47 
50 Gold, Jordan                 Heritage              23:50.54 
51 Gregory, Catherine           Warriors              23:51.36    48 
52 Brown, Shelby                Clarke County         24:01.05 
53 McLaughlin, Emma             Heritage              24:01.47 
54 Phillips, Erin               Warriors              24:03.23    49 
55 Mills, Hannah                Loudoun Valley        24:04.55    50 
56 Fillo, Maisoon               Briar Woods           24:07.80 
57 Mitter, Heidi                Loudoun Valley        24:15.31    51 
58 Sierra, Leslie               Skyline               24:18.51    52 
59 Hindley, Melanie             Skyline               24:20.45    53 
60 Schutte, Grace               Clarke County         24:22.97 
61 Presler, Amanda              Briar Woods           24:30.68 
62 Carson, Rachel               James Wood            24:39.32    54 
63 Thiel, Carolyn               Warriors              24:52.42    55 
64 Waters, Tiffany              Skyline               24:58.97    56 
65 McMullen, Jennifer           Loudoun Valley        25:10.32    57 
66 Lucernoni, Annemarie         Briar Woods           25:15.47 
67 Smith, Aubrie                Warriors              25:16.25 
68 McMahill, Morgan             Loudoun Valley        25:17.72    58 
69 Stoddard, Jillian            Heritage              25:18.60 
70 Townsend, Lauren             Briar Woods           25:21.06 
71 McKenzie, Connie             Warriors              25:21.73 
72 Kassabian, Hannah            Loudoun Valley        25:29.27    59 
73 Andrus, Lauryl               James Wood            25:31.40 
74 Den Bleyker, Jessica         James Wood            25:33.06 
75 Gatling, Dani                Loudoun Valley        25:33.82    60 
76 Ronk, Becca                  Briar Woods           25:40.99 
77 Dacey, Ashyn                 Loudoun Valley        25:48.72    61 
78 Morris, Mandi                James Wood            25:49.29 
79 Noland, Jodi                 Clarke County         25:49.63 
80 Smith, Sarah                 Millbrook             25:53.90    62 
81 Booth, Molly                 Briar Woods           25:55.58 
82 McKelway, Olivia             Clarke County         25:56.87 
83 Cockrill, Catherine          Loudoun Valley        25:59.69 
84 Trombadore, Kathryn          Loudoun Valley        26:30.48 
85 Meeker, Samantha             Warriors              26:41.73 
86 Macauley, Emily              James Wood            26:47.58 
87 Ontiveros, Sally             Loudoun Valley        26:53.20 
88 Cunningham, Elizabeth        Millbrook             26:54.30 
89 Scala, Janelle               Loudoun Valley        27:15.25 
90 Richards, Lena               Warren County         27:35.13    63 
91 Reynolds, Amber              Skyline               27:45.79 
92 Fortier, Lauren              Briar Woods           27:46.15 
93 Bromser-Kloe, Taryn          Loudoun Valley        27:46.71 
94 McHale, Rachel               Warren County         28:02.82 
95 Vigna, Beatrice              Clarke County         28:05.67 
96 Carrier, Ellie               Loudoun Valley        28:06.80 
97 Wong, Ellen                  Strasburg             28:15.59 
98 LeBlance, Gena               Loudoun Valley        28:16.65 
99 Pace, Alexa                  Briar Woods           28:21.34 
100 Hulcher, Megan               Briar Woods           28:24.13 
101 Blight, Leah                 Clarke County         28:24.52 
102 Hoff, Jesseca                Loudoun Valley        28:33.80 
103 Franklin, Shelby             Millbrook             29:01.98 
104 Jacoby, Meghan               Briar Woods           29:08.99 
105 Athey, Aubrey                Loudoun Valley        29:25.36 
106 Weaver, Kaitlyn              Loudoun Valley        29:42.21 
107 Swanger, Taylor              Strasburg             29:42.81 
108 Armentrout, Amy              Loudoun Valley        30:05.72 
109 Thomas, Sarah                Millbrook             30:58.51 

Boys 5k Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Veilleux, Ben                Clarke County         16:11.10     1 
  2 York, Chris                  Clarke County         16:33.83     2 
  3 Longerbeam, Darin            James Wood            16:44.88     3 
  4 Eakins, Adam                 Warren County         16:56.77     4 
  5 Healy, Sean                  Clarke County         17:01.56     5 
  6 Myer, Paul                   Clarke County         17:11.89     6 
  7 O’Reilly, Seamus             Warren County         17:12.16     7 
  8 Owens, Adam                  Clarke County         17:13.17     8 
  9 Farnan, Ryan                 Millbrook             17:14.67     9 
10 Pugh, David                  James Wood            17:17.56    10 
11 Leonardis, Jacob             Millbrook             17:23.94    11 
12 Trayer, Steven               Clarke County         17:27.69    12 
13 Calhoun, Billy               Briar Woods           17:35.94    13 
14 Giles, Steven                Heritage              17:38.90    14 
15 Pompilio, Connor             Briar Woods           17:40.63    15 
16 Deaton, Zach                 Briar Woods           17:41.04    16 
17 Biddle-Snead, Harley         Clarke County         17:45.57    17 
18 Klug, Josh                   Heritage              17:49.70    18 
19 Grove, Michael               Millbrook             17:54.65    19 
20 Flanagan, Jake               Heritage              17:57.65    20 
21 Cecil, Josh                  Millbrook             17:59.21    21 
22 Turner, Andrew               Warren County         18:00.17    22 
23 Christensen, Curtis          Strasburg             18:01.46    23 
24 Patricio, Roger              Warren County         18:05.43    24 
25 Caswell, David               Millbrook             18:06.89    25 
26 Barr, Cody                   James Wood            18:07.85    26 
27 Crawford, Christian          Millbrook             18:08.70    27 
28 Holcomb, Drew                Heritage              18:09.12    28 
29 Salzer, Andy                 Heritage              18:09.60    29 
30 Holton, Matt                 Heritage              18:15.59    30 
31 McClanahan, Matt             Skyline               18:19.49    31 
32 Weaber, Patrick              Skyline               18:22.87    32 
33 Mauck, Matt                  Skyline               18:24.49    33 
34 VanAlsburg, Eli              Warriors              18:27.01    34 
35 Jones, Clay                  Skyline               18:30.16    35 
36 McWilliam, Mikey             Heritage              18:32.61    36 
37 Rivera, Carlos               Skyline               18:35.95    37 
38 Brien, Max                   Heritage              18:36.87 
39 Butler, Chris                Briar Woods           18:37.37    38 
40 Roof, Jon                    Warren County         18:44.39    39 
41 Page, Spencer                Heritage              18:45.16 
42 Doumont, Nick                Millbrook             18:49.75    40 
43 Moran, Cory                  Warren County         18:53.53    41 
44 Eckert, Marshall             Skyline               18:54.20    42 
45 Ferrel, Daniel               Loudoun Valley        18:55.03    43 
46 Boyle, Evan                  Millbrook             18:55.34 
47 Strosnider, Brandon          Warriors              18:55.65    44 
48 Eckert, Mackinley            Skyline               18:56.05    45 
49 Gottlieb, Jason              Heritage              18:57.21 
50 Bass, Joe                    Skyline               18:58.99 
51 Doumont, Pat                 Millbrook             18:59.62 
52 Rothacker, Ben               Briar Woods           19:01.26    46 
53 Tarnvik, Axel                Briar Woods           19:02.20    47 
54 McCarthy, Evan               Loudoun Valley        19:02.98    48 
55 Breeden, Alex                Millbrook             19:04.79 
56 Carter, George               Skyline               19:05.60 
57 Webb, Alex                   Briar Woods           19:05.95    49 
58 Morey, Dylan                 Strasburg             19:12.84    50 
59 Ramirez, Warren              Millbrook             19:13.68 
60 Mejia, Diego                 Briar Woods           19:15.77 
61 Lohr, Kevin                  Loudoun Valley        19:16.70    51 
62 Smalley, Chris               Clarke County         19:17.49 
63 Moran, Eric                  Skyline               19:21.78 
64 Rourbaugh, Jared             Heritage              19:25.24 
65 Hayes, John                  Millbrook             19:27.71 
66 Stasiak, Nick                James Wood            19:29.91    52 
67 Denney, Sean                 Loudoun Valley        19:34.51    53 
68 Armstrong, Blake             James Wood            19:37.31    54 
69 Blakenship, Mitchell         Heritage              19:38.80 
70 Carmean, Nick                Briar Woods           19:43.97 
71 Carter, Mike                 Loudoun Valley        19:48.03    55 
72 Thomas, David                Skyline               19:53.51 
73 Zimmerman, Corie             Warren County         19:54.38    56 
74 Butler, Patrick              Briar Woods           20:04.43 
75 Palmiero, Dom                Loudoun Valley        20:08.69    57 
76 Nyugen, Tam                  Warren County         20:13.99 
77 Oneill, Jimmy                Briar Woods           20:14.30 
78 Cunningham, Robert           Millbrook             20:15.03 
79 MacIssac, Ian                Warriors              20:15.75    58 
80 McClenahan, Nick             Clarke County         20:22.31 
81 Maddox, Billy                Skyline               20:35.97 
82 Prentice, James              Millbrook             20:37.00 
83 Colvin, William              Loudoun Valley        20:38.86    59 
84 McDaniel, Morgan             James Wood            20:46.80    60 
85 Saini, Sameer                Briar Woods           20:54.40 
86 Anderson, Mark               James Wood            20:59.24    61 
87 Myers, Jeremy                Millbrook             20:59.83 
88 Wright, Alex                 Warriors              21:03.20    62 
89 Kuklick, Cameron             Briar Woods           21:05.88 
90 Anne, Jitseh                 Briar Woods           21:08.95 
91 Phillips, Drew               Briar Woods           21:16.22 
92 Lee, Shane                   Millbrook             21:17.91 
93 Schutte, Scott               Clarke County         21:22.63 
94 Morrow, Gage                 Warren County         21:39.18 
95 Reynolds, Daniel             Strasburg             21:41.59    63 
96 Bunner, Daniel               Warriors              21:44.22    64 
97 Harney, DJ                   James Wood            22:07.56 
98 Weaver, Brandon              Loudoun Valley        22:19.36 
99 Pearson, Jesse               Strasburg             22:21.65    65 
100 McAuliffe, Joel              Warriors              22:49.09    66 
101 Schmidt, Gunnar              Briar Woods           22:53.42 
102 Falkenstein, Curtis          Strasburg             22:55.85    67 
103 Davenport, John              James Wood            23:02.56 
104 Dively, Mitchell             Millbrook             23:41.92 
105 Lewis, Zach                  Briar Woods           23:42.49 
106 Clarke, Josh                 Loudoun Valley        23:42.91 
107 Wilcox, Kyle                 Warriors              23:45.33    68 
108 Schuster, Jacob              Skyline               23:58.58 
109 Gause, Chris                 Briar Woods           24:25.25 
110 Wille, Pete                  Briar Woods           24:32.90 
111 Mead, Gabe                   Warriors              24:44.79 
112 Klingenburg, Brandon         Skyline               24:56.79 
113 Barbieri, Erik               Warriors              25:27.54 
114 Tadie, Cameron               Loudoun Valley        25:51.81 
115 Wilcox, David                Warriors              26:00.75 
116 Regnery, Brendan             Loudoun Valley        26:01.27 
117 Gibbs-Hill, Nick             James Wood            26:04.66 
118 Robic, Tyler                 Loudoun Valley        26:18.91 
119 Olsen, Kevin                 Warren County         26:40.16 

Clarke County 53
warren County  65
Millbrook  70
heritage  88
James Wood 90
Briar Woods  125
Sherando  174
Skyline 205
Loudoun Valley  275

Clarke  22
Millbrook 85
Warren County  96
Heritage  109
Briar Woods  128
James Wood  145
Skyline  168
Loudoun Valley  250
Sherando  262
Strasburg  268

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